Wednesday 11 July 2012

An Insight..

Government...ministers...policies...for me they always seemed as useless; corrupted; having no sensitivity at all. I was also among those who used to blame the govt. for each and every thing whether it was for poor infrastructure, price-rise, everything. I thought the people who does the policy planning don't go for thorough research about the issues, or they're just ignorant. 

But when I got the opportunity of discussing and readdressing this issue by some of the prominent members of Azim Premji Foundation & University, my thinking got a different angle about the whole issue of govt. & policies. Blaming someone and pointing flaws is easy but accepting criticism and finding solutions is not every ones' cup of tea. I am not INTO it so I can just judge but when I was pulled into a situation where I needed to fulfil the task of a policy formulator, I imagined the pain. I was part of a team having only 11 members, and even in such small number it became impossible to come at a common point, or simply identify a proper answer to the problem. 

The whole session made me think how difficult it would have been for the policy makers to form all those policies which we keep on cursing. It needs serious research, countless brain-storming sessions, discussions and some great minds, to formulate the policies, which although of great efforts tends to have some or other loopholes. But the thing is society is dynamic, socio-economic scenario keeps on changing, which results in continuous emergence of new and untouched issues and problems, which makes the present policy questionable. 

But yes I also felt while formulating a policy the policy makers must keep in mind, that they must go for the opinion or views of those section whose problem is being discussed, for whom they are making the policies or who'll be the beneficiaries. It'll result in more effective and error free policy as it'll touch all the aspects of the issues and can be useful for a longer period. 

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